Numbers Nature and Philosophy Part - In part one of this article we discussed numbers in nature and their possible philosophical significance.
A Mothers Wishlist Peace Plenty and Understanding - I recently celebrated my fifth Mother's Day.
Elijah and His Cave - 1 Kings 19 is one of the most remarkable chapters in the Bible.
Hurricanes Suck So Let Us Capture the Energy to Power Up Civilization - It has been said that a high Category Hurricane develops enough energy that it is equal to on Hiroshima Atomic Bomb going off every 10-minutes? Ah hello, and wow Mother Nature is the Goddess of Energy indeed, nothing can compete with that now can.
Online Dating Software Things You Should Know - Speed dating or online dating is a phenomenon that is becoming one of the major revenue-generating internet businesses.
Improving SelfConfidence Stop Sabotaging - Improving self-confidence is something we would all like to do.
Tips for Improving Reading Speed - What does it mean when people talk about "reading efficiency?" Does it mean more than saving time by reading rapidly? What changes have to be made in the conventional reading process of translating visual symbols into words to improve reading spee.
Say I Love You With Ecards And Avoid Embarassment - I love you - how to say this? Many of us in love have great difficulty saying this.
Quiz Are You And Your Spouse Best Friends - Lot of discussion takes place about the difference between friendship and marriage.
Have Too Much Give It To Charity - Every person I know has a house filled with many things.
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